Day 1 of 12


Lure of mince pies & indolence


I have to use up the remainder of my 2012 holiday entitlement by the end of the year. My employer has a use-it-or-lose-it policy that prevents holiday being carried forward. So I will be on leave from midday on Dec 19th through to Jan 2nd.

To ensure I don’t succumb entirely to the lure of mince pies & indolence, I have set myself a mini-yule-challenge to run 100K between 19th & 30th Dec. This will require an average of just over 5 miles per day. If you are wondering why I set an end date of the 30th, rather than the 31st: it is so that I have the option of taking a rest day before starting the madness that is Janathon on the 1st.